Medical Library Services
Medical Library Services
SEL-AHEC Medical Library services are provided through a cooperative project with LSU Bogalusa Family Medicine Clinic.
The Medical Library serves southeast Louisiana healthcare providers and the public who have no access to a full-service medical library, as well as the LSUHSC Bogalusa Hospital community. The Medical Library also serves as a secondary resource for health sciences students.
The Medical Library is a full member of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, with access to the resources of over 4,000 health sciences libraries.
The Medical Librarian is a senior member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals, with more than 18 years’ experience in health sciences libraries.
Medical Library Services include:
- 500 + volume reference collection
- Health sciences journals, over 70 current subscriptions, many with back files back to the early 1980’s
- Assistance with literature review searches / MEDLINE database searches
- Instruction in the use of National Library of Medicine databases (PubMed, MEDLINEplus, WISER, etc.)
- Two public-access computer workstations for personal health/medical research
- Copies of articles delivered by fax, mail, and e-mail (where available)
- Interlibrary loan for articles not available in the Medical Library (fees may apply)
- LOANSOME DOC document delivery service (fees may apply)
- Outreach exhibits and instruction for health fairs, medical practices, and community organizations
SEL-AHEC Library Services
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m
For more information, please contact the librarian.
Helen B. Caruso, MLIS, AHIP, Librarian | 985-869-0377